Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thing 3 for the future

There are so many useful ways I can use this, or any, blog in my future career as a teacher. Since I plan to work with younger children, the main way I will end up using one is to communicate with parents and other teachers. Since I can open many blogs at a time, I can even set one up specifically for parents and have a separate one for teachers. The possibilities for classifications are endless. When communicating with parents, I could use the blog to send out a daily/weekly/monthly newsletter and post updates on classroom events and supplies needed. It could also be used as a handy tool for getting the word out about fund-raisers or school programs. When communicating with teachers, I could post anything from questions about certain areas to tips and advice that I have found while teaching. If something happens during the day that makes me happy or I hear something that makes me smile, I can share that happiness with my fellow teachers. A blog also has the potential to help teachers collaborate when they have a project they need work on together. The possibilities become much wider with older students, as I can use the blog to give homework and answer questions. The students could use it much the same way teachers do to collaborate during a group project. The possibilities go on and on because anything I can do with a group of students, parents, or teachers in real life can potentially be done online with just a click of a button. This is a great way to keep the lines of communication open, however, it should not be the only way. There are still so many parents and students who do not have computer or Internet access and may not be able to communicate this way. Therefore, it is still a good idea to communicate with the parents as soon as possible to see if this is an option for them. If not, then finding another way to communicate with that parent is essential. Whether it be by calling, sending home letters, or dropping in at home to visit, communication is too important to allow it to slip from my fingers due to a simple lack of technology. I feel the need to keep that in mind.

The creation of Thing 2

I enjoyed creating my blog because I enjoy talking and writing and believe this will be a fulfilling experience. Google has made the blog making process very simple and since I already had a G mail account the process was much easier.

When I was attempting to choose a name for my blog I wanted to include the purpose of the blog inside the title so I named it “Hilton’s path of education” because this blog is essentially my path on the way to receiving a degree in education.

My avatar reflects my personality because she looks a lot like me. I created her with a smile because smiling passes happiness to other people and happy kids learn more. Thus, I try to remain happy and smile when I am dealing with children. I also created her with blond hair and blue eyes because I have blond hair and blue eyes.

Thing 1: The habits I call my own

Out of the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners, the easiest one for me is to be accountable for my own learning. While it is easy to blame someone else, such as a teacher or a friend, when you do not do well in a course, it is much easier to take the blame so that you can find a way to do better. Though it took a long time, I have finally found that blaming other people for my failures does not help me to succeed and the only thing that can is for me to grow up and admit that I have done something to cause my failure and I may not want to do that again.
The hardest habit for me, however, is viewing problems as challenges. In the past, I have had a tendency to take the path of least resistance and I tend to crack under pressure. When things get hard, I find that focusing is almost impossible, as is accomplishing anything. To help with that, I have learned to turn big problems into smaller problems and fix them accordingly. Viewing them as challenges, I hope to find, will also help to fix the problems. Humans are very competitive creatures, though some more than others, and I am no exception. I take delight in proving myself and will strive to do so.
I hope to learn more interesting tips like these while I explore the Web for I know they are there. The trouble is finding out where they are and weeding the good tips from the bad ones. Setting up the blog was pretty simple and I am quite excited about having the opportunity to write one, as I will explain in a later post.