Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thing 5 on 2.0

Among the many things that "School 2.0" will bring to the classrooms (whether in the form of challenges or advantages) enhancement to the curriculum is probably the most important, seeing as how that is the whole point of being teachers-- to teach. Anything that does not enhance the curriculum (no matter how easy it is) is not worth having in the classroom. As difficult as some technology may appear to be, the simple truth is that when used correctly it greatly enhances the curriculum that we are teaching to our students. Another simple truth, is that with the right training and guidance, it really isn't that difficult. There are so many technologies out there that actually make teaching easier. "School 2.0" is one of them. Technology becomes more involved in our classrooms every day and in we cannot even imagine the things we will be able to do with technology in 5 years, much less 10-20 years down the road. I, personally, am excited to jump on the technology train and watch out the window to see where it leads me. As long as I have the railroad tracks to guide me through the process I know I will be just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I agree with you that anything that does not enhance the curriculum should not be in the classroom. I can see how passionate you are about becoming a teacher!


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